Overall, I am learning to enjoy videography. Editing video is a tedious process that can be frustrating, but I'm starting to like it. From this first experience, I learned more about framing and lighting, so I will be using the feedback I received about my first video to improve any issues I might encounter for the next project. I think I need to get better at working with the subject of my videos to get them to give me footage that I can more easily edit after the filming process. I also need to be aware of lighting and sound and feeling more comfortable asking a subject to move to a different area in order to get better lighting.
I do like the b-roll that I got from the project I just did. I felt like I moved around and got footage from many different angles and was able to pick up some strong environmental sound that I incorporated into video after receiving edits. I also think I was able to get my subject to say a lot of interesting things in the interview footage, but I felt like some of the things she said were difficult to visually represent. In the future, I want to make sure I pick subjects that are visual and offer a lot of b-roll opportunities. This project showed me how important b-roll is to making videos interesting for a viewer.
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